

Create a new outlook in car beauty


The Car Spa is committed to improving car beauty industry for valuable customers by utilizing top technology equipment from all over the world, including the internationally certified AQ Bio Disinfection for disinfection and sterilization care. We use professional services and high-quality beauty products to focus on every car and every detail. In addition, we provide impeccable customer service for every customer.

御駕汽車水療致力改善汽車美容生態,選用世界各地頂尖技術品牌,當中包括獨家使用國際認證的 AQ Bio消毒噴霧進行消毒殺菌護理。我們以專業服務配合優質美容產品,關注每一部車,每一個細節。 我們更關注及全面照顧您的需要,除了提供尊貴客戶服務,更讓每位賓客可以享受其中。

A Relaxing Car Spa Break


We take care of your car and pay special attention to your needs. You can relax in our stylish VIP room named “A Relaxing Car Spa Break,” where you can closely watch our SPA services. While aromas and music fill the air, sip on high-quality Daiohs Japanese tea or Arissto coffee, personally prepared by an Italian coffee master. Enjoy a moment of leisure with you friends and pet here.

除了照顧您的愛驅,我們更關注您的需要。在等待我們照顧您的愛車的同時,可以在“A Relaxing CarSpa Break”為題打造的時尚貴賓室,親身欣賞您的愛車護理過程。以香熏及音樂作伴,淺嚐優質Daiohs日本茶或意大利星級咖啡大師親自監督的Arissto咖啡。

We offer sweet and fragrant Japanese tea from the Japanese brand Daiohs, which has more than 50 years of heritage and has the ISO9001 international product management standard certification since 2011. We also bring you Italian Arissto coffee, which is personally supervised by a star coffee master, who professionally identifies the characteristics of each coffee bean based on humidity, temperature, and other environmental factors, to make master coffee recipes.

我們選用超過50年日本品牌Daiohs提供的日本茶,更自2011年獲得“ISO9001”國際產品管理標準認證,為您能夠享受甘甜、清香的日本茶。我們亦為您帶來了意大利Arissto 咖啡。Arissto 咖啡由星級咖啡大師親自監督,專業分辨每款咖啡豆於不同濕度、溫度等環境因素下的特質,製作大師級的咖啡配方。

Watch the car wash in a fully air-conditioned and comfortable environment


Unlike traditional car washes with slippery and dirty floors. The Car Spa has re-envisioned the car beauty industry, creating a comfortable lounge like a new car showroom for our valuable customers. You can appreciate the whole beauty treatment from the VIP room.

有別傳統汽車美容地方給人感覺濕滑及骯髒感覺。The Car Spa 致力改善汽車美容環境及設備,提升汽車美容生態,營造一個猶如汽車陳列室的空間給寶貴客戶,客戶可以在室內舒適冷氣環境觀賞汽車實況。

In addition to enjoying a leisurely moment in the VIP room, you can also watch a series of car beauty treatments in a pleasant environment, including Car Spa services, waxing and coating treatment, deep clean, and sterilization.
The Car Spa is located on Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, adjacent to leisure centers such as Harbour North and North Point Promenade, which offer a variety of coastal outdoor dining experiences, education centers, leisure shopping, and high-quality service stores.

TheCar Spa位處香港北角渣華道,地理位置優越,鄰近北角匯及北角海濱公園等休閒中心,融合沿海露天餐飲、教育中心、休閒購物和優質服務商店。